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Importance of Dietary Changes During the Coronavirus Pandemic: How to Upgrade Your Immune Response

Importance of Dietary Changes During the Coronavirus Pandemic: How to Upgrade Your Immune Response

The new coronavirus pandemic continues to spread causing further public health, social, and economic issues. The disparities in the rates of death between countries poses questions about the importance of lifestyle habits and the immune status of populations. An exploration of dietary habits and COVID-19-related death might unravel associations between these two variables.

, March 04, 2021

Dysbiosis in the ICU: Microbiome science coming to the bedside

Authors: Georgios D Kitsios, MD, PhD, Michael J Morowitz, MD, Robert P Dickson, MD, Gary B. Huffnagle, PhD, Bryan J McVerry, MD, and Alison Morris, MD, MS,

The advent of molecular, culture-independent techniques to study micro-organisms revealed that the human host harbors approximately 40 trillion microbes, including bacteria and their phages, viruses, fungi and archaea.

, February 18, 2021

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